August 17, 2012

Call for action to address performance in mathematics

The performance in the May/June 2012 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) mathematics examination has resulted in a call for action in the region to address deficiencies in the subject.{{more}}

This year, 33 per cent of the entries for mathematics achieved Grades I – III, which are the acceptable grades at CSEC. This is a further decline in performance, when compared with the last two years. In 2011, 35 per cent earned similar grades and in 2010 the figure stood at 41 per cent

Reporting on the performance of the subject to the Final Awards Committee, the Subject Awards Committee (SAC) said it was “deeply concerned about the quality of work produced by candidates at this level.

“Topics such as the range, perimeter, and profit and loss that should be covered at the lower secondary level were not fully understood,” the SAC reported.

On one question which tested perimeter and area, 36 per cent of the candidates scored no marks. Similarly, on a question which tested algebra, 33 per cent of the candidates scored zero.

The SAC has called on the region to address the issue of teaching and performance in Mathematics, by re-organising its mathematics programme, supporting teacher training and facilitating access to instructional resources.