Breach in security of CSEC Math Paper 2 originated in Jamaica – CXC
DR WAYNE WESLEY, the registrar and CEO of the CXC
Breaking News
May 19, 2023

Breach in security of CSEC Math Paper 2 originated in Jamaica – CXC

The leak of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) CSEC Math Paper 2 which was written around the region on Wednesday, May 17 originated in Jamaica.

Registrar of the CXC Wayne Wesley, in a press conference on Friday said the examinations body has concluded its investigations and using enhanced security measures, they were able to identify both the country where the breach originated as well as the particular examination centre involved.

He said the leak reached many countries and many persons had access to the information.

“As to the extent, that is something we would have to investigate further … but it was really widespread across the region. But the source of the leak was critical to us…,” the registrar said.

He said the CXC had been enhancing their security provisions over the years.

He said students who wrote the Math Paper 2 will not have to re-write the paper, but their grades will be awarded using a modified approach.

Students’ grades will be based on Paper 1 and the School Based Assessment or Paper 032 (alternative to the SBA).

This decision was communicated to regional ministries of education on Friday, he said.

Wesley said the decision was taken not to have the students rewrite the paper out of concern for the mental health and wellbeing of candidates and timely release of the results.

He said the breach did not affect Paper 1 which is now under even enhanced security.

All CXC examination papers have been removed from the examination centre identified as the source of the leak.

The CXC will provide further updates.