Attempted robbery foiled at medical cannabis company
Press Release
January 28, 2023

Attempted robbery foiled at medical cannabis company

An attempted robbery at a medical cannabis company operating at Queensbury, Vermont, St Vincent was foiled on Friday morning, a release from the security company says.

The release from Sheriff PSS Inc said that at about 2:00 am on Friday, an attempt by five persons, one armed with a gun and another with a cutlass, to rob the company was prevented by “an armed Sheriff Deputy deployed to secure the premises”.

“Our armed security operative engaged the bandits directly, firing several shots, causing the bandits to flee, without being able to break into the building and storage rooms.

“Operations Control was contacted and our Executive Director Mr. Jason Greene and Operations Commander Mr. Cox responded immediately to provide additional support. The police was contacted and responded promptly within 15 minutes,” the release said.

“The live-in caretaker on the estate was injured during the incident and taken to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital by Sheriff PSS Inc for medical attention.

“Sheriff takes this opportunity to remind the nation that we are serious about asset protection as SVG’s only tactical security agency. We stand ready to serve citizens and the business community as the #1 source for reliable, competent and efficient Asset Protection Agents and Security solutions.”


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