On Target
June 11, 2010

Bury the hatchet!

Let go and move on! That should be the undertaking of all involved in the sport of Table Tennis.

It is common knowledge that a deep divide exists between some members of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Table Tennis Association and former President Sean Stanley.

The situation is so bad that some do not want to give in and give up and may carry their feelings to the grave.{{more}}

However, what occurred at a meeting last Saturday called by the SVGTTA must be commended. There were frank and open discussions, and one got the impression that there are some persons who are willing to work in the best interest of Table Tennis.

The Executive members were truthful and stood up and said that they have not performed to the best of their abilities.

That is the sign of maturity needed here in sports in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and it is my hope that others are willing to admit it when they have erred.

The Executive of the SVGTTA must also be commended for not condemning Stanley in his absence.

I got a strong sense that persons are not on a witch hunt, but rather are more concerned with putting Table Tennis back in good shape.

I also got the distinct impression that the consensus among several persons was that the business of the association be dealt with in private, rather than on the airwaves and at the street corners.

So with the apparent battle lines removed, the facts are there to show.

On the other hand, Stanley’s Table Tennis Academy held the sport together, especially among the younger age groups. His competitions, both in house as well as among the Media Houses, Churches and Business Houses kept the torch of Table Tennis burning.

In more recent times, the hosting of the STAG team from Barbados also gave the members of the Sean Stanley Table Tennis Academy some regional competition and also gauged their abilities against regional opponents.

Yes, at times Stanley may have been antagonistic and hot under the collar in the heat of the battle and so were some members of the Executive.

But let us take all for what they are worth.

Let us take Stanley’s actions as efforts to make his academy a vibrant entity, and not an attempt to put the Executive of the SVGTTA to shame or show up some of their deficiencies. Because, at the end of the day, it is these same youngsters who will at some point in time carry the mantle of representation for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Let us take as genuine Stanley’s request made last year, to once again be part of the national set up.

Undoubtedly, as mentioned by Harvey Graham last Saturday, Stanley has a pivotal role to play in the continued development of Table Tennis.

One thing is certain, though, is that no one man is bigger than the sport, and Table Tennis existed before many of today’s major players were born, and will be here when they have passed on.

So, we have started along the path to reconciliation and inclusion.

The Association’s plans are well documented, attainable, concise and precise, another stepping stone for an upward movement in the sport.

What is now needed is for those who claim that they love the sport to rid themselves of the personality differences, heal their wounds and go full speed ahead with the programmes that have been listed.

Certainly, this should not be a hard task, at least from my stand point.

I, however, am not burying the hatchet until the Mound is completely removed from the Sion Hill Playing Field.