CCF continues to benefit through FCIB Adopt-a-Cause
November 12, 2010

CCF continues to benefit through FCIB Adopt-a-Cause

Child Fund Caribbean (CCF) continues to benefit from FirstCaribbean International’s Adopt-a-Cause Programme.{{more}}

This time, FirstCaribbean has embarked on the final phase of a programme it initiated earlier this year. The Bank has been visiting the facility as part of a mentoring programme and recently did some work on the play area, laying sponge floor tiles, painting walls. The school will also be outfitted with essential items for the play room.

A major aspect of FirstCaribbean’s assistance, apart from the financial support, includes the involvement of staff members in the mentoring of young mothers in the CCF programme. Staff members Aliethea Jackson and Kasia Robinson are involved in this on a weekly basis, with Jacintha Hinds and Mellanie Joseph’s involvement from time to time. Since adopting the CCF cause, the FirstCaribbean team and other persons from various disciplines have also worked in mentoring of the young fathers so that they can better care for their babies.

Under the current phase of the programme, the play area for the children has now been significantly enhanced with new tiles containing letters and numbers to influence learning and individual 12’ colorful, washable squares which provide a cushioned surface for them to play.

CCF is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides assistance to the less fortunate children of St. Vincent. Adopt-a-Cause was initiated in 2007 as part of the bank’s Community Relations Programme. It’s one of the primary ways in which FirstCaribbean provides assistance to the community. Under the programme, the Bank donates US2,000.00 to a worthy community project. The initiative also creates an environment of volunteerism and teamwork amongst bank staff by encouraging employees to give of their time to these programmes.