Digicel customers reap sweet rewards
October 1, 2010

Digicel customers reap sweet rewards

On Tuesday, September 28, telecommunications services provider Digicel gave back some EC$23,000 to their valued customers.{{more}}

The exchange of money came as part of Digicel’s Loyalty Programme that has been ongoing for over a year now. In this programme, post paid and pre paid customers are rewarded with EC$1000 just for topping up EC$10 or more.

So last Tuesday at Digicel’s Corporate Offices located in the Lewis Building on James Street, Marketing Manager Juno DeRoche and Marketing Executive Justin John rewarded 23 persons (each with EC$1000) for being loyal to the bigger better network. DeRoche explained that the Loyalty programme is seeking to reward every customer that uses either a Digicel post paid or pre paid phone. She urged persons to keep their phones on at all times, “and if you are in a position where you can’t allow it to ring, keep it on vibrate as if we call two or three times and can’t get you, we will move on to the next person and you will have to wait for another opportunity to get your money.”

John also commented on the Loyalty Programme that has for some time now been putting smiles on the faces of Digicel customers.

“This is a marked statement of what Digicel has been doing to show appreciation for their customers; this is just a statement showing what we do to keep our customers happy,” said John.