November 21, 2008

SVG schools to receive donations from Irish Primary School

Dr Christopher Stange, Hon. Consul for St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) in Northern Ireland, attended Andrews Memorial Primary School in Comber for their annual “Children in Need” day, dedicated this year to assist children of schools in SVG.{{more}} All the pupils during the day increased their knowledge of SVG and from the money they had raised lined the school’s auditorium floor with coins that will be put towards purchasing dictionaries for school children in SVG.

Dr. Stange congratulated the efforts being made locally, reaffirming the commitment and mutual benefits in building closer relations between our countries. He further explained discussions with Mr Ralph Magee, Principal of Andrews Memorial Primary School, to develop a link where pupils from both countries can communicate and learn more about each other, through Informational Communication Technology (ICT) and other joint ventures, including sport.

The Consulate has been active in soliciting donations from businesses and organisations in Northern Ireland to help with the government’s dedication to education and advancing the “educational revolution”. Through the combined efforts of H.E. Mr Cenio Lewis, High Commissioner for SVG in London, identifying the needed items, Podium 4 Sport, Irish Football Association (IFA), Office Depot Northern Ireland and Corporate Express Northern Ireland have collectively donated a large amount of exercise books, sporting equipment and rulers.

In due course, arrangements will be made to have everything shipped back to Kingstown for disbursement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commerce and Trade.