August 27, 2004

Construction workshop ends

The final part of a series of training sessions for persons involved in the construction sector comes to an end today Friday, August 27, at the conference room of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.{{more}}
Entitled, “How to become a successful entrepreneur in the construction sector”, this final session, which began on Wednesday, sought to show persons employed in the construction sector how to: identify business processes as they relate to the construction sector, identify the qualities and skills needed to run a business successfully and recognise the qualities of a successful entrepreneur, among other things.
This final two-day workshop is part of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Caribbean Development Programme for Economic Competitive-ness (CPEC), Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing Construction Sector Sub-project.
The CIDA/CPEC/SVG Construction Sector Project was implemented by the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing in an effort to upgrade the skills of local artisans so that they would be able to compete for jobs on the regional market.
The facilitators of this final project were Jacintha James of the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU), head of the National Insurance Services (NIS) Reginald Thomas and Ronald Reddock of the hardware sector.
Other areas in which persons were trained over the last few months include plumbing, masonry, painting, tiling, quantity estimating, bids and tendering, site surveying and leveling and occupational health and safety in the construction industry.
The construction project, which cost EC $323,155 to run, was coordinated by Arthur Guy, with Camille Crichton being the implementation consultant. CIDA/CPEC took care of 44 per cent of the cost while the local government handled 36 per cent. The construction centre made an input of 20 per cent.
Senator Glen Beache, junior minister in the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing, and Executive Member of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Construction Sector Claudette Reddock made presentations at the opening of the final project.