Baby’s First Teeth
A child’s primary (baby) teeth are just as important as the permanent (adult) teeth. These teeth like the adult teeth help babies to chew and speak, and even more importantly hold the space in the jaws for the adult teeth that are forming under the gum. {{more}}
The first of the baby teeth appear at about six months after birth and are usually the four front teeth. Most children have their full twenty baby teeth by age three. These teeth start to fall out at about five years and the first of the 32 adult teeth appears around the same time.
Begin brushing your baby’s teeth with a little water as soon as the first tooth appears; if your baby does not tolerate a brush use a rag or finger brush. If you’re considering using toothpaste before the child is two consult your dentist who may suggest fluoride free toothpaste. For children older than two, a pea size amount of fluoridated toothpaste should be used, but make sure that they spit out the excess toothpaste and rinse with water after brushing. Floss should be used as soon as any two teeth touch. Most children will not be able to brush their teeth properly before age seven and it is advised that an adult does it until then.
Help your child maintain a healthy smile as early loss of their baby teeth can cause crowding of their adult teeth, speech and eating problems and, worst of all, cause low self esteem.