Understanding the Law
June 15, 2018

Congrats to our children who passed the CPEA

Congratulations to all the children of our nation who succeeded in passing the CPEA. This is your moment after all the hard work and sleepless nights. You can bask in the glories of your achievement for a while because this is only the beginning of another stage in your life.

Future successes will come with more hard work and commitment to work. You have to go the extra mile. You have to burn the midnight candle, as we used to say long ago. Yours is a brighter candle and it will shine so long as you allow it to. Continue to do the work your teachers set you and do the extra work that you need to forge ahead. Continue to read as much as you can to expand your vocabulary and the knowledge of the world around you.

The Internet can be your faithful guide. Use it as much as you can. You can let YouTube work wonders for you. It touches almost every topic in our universe. Let it become your tool, but use wisely.

Remember the world needs you more than ever. You have to help to solve some of the serious problems that we face as a nation, so you have to get ready to face up to the challenges that are out there.

I hope that you enjoy the life of a secondary school student. Participate in a sport, learn to play a musical instrument or engage in some artistic work. Make use of opportunities to the fullest.

These will bring a sense of satisfaction when you are not beating the books. It is said that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and I suppose Jill a dull girl.

The world needs Mathematics. Most areas of endeavors call for it. Remember Maths is not difficult when you practise often. Practise makes perfect. Don’t blame your family for not passing sufficient mathematical skills to you. Instead, approach it with a positive attitude and vow not to be overwhelmed by it.

In law you often hear the phrase “time is of essence”. There are times when you could be punished when you “do not” do something on time. This is a good rule to observe. In fact, you know that time waits on no man. Don’t put it off for tomorrow. Be decisive. Set up a timetable that will give some guidance. Make sure you do your assignments promptly. Give them the energy they deserve. Sometimes we defer matters for something less important, only to find that we do not complete that important task.

Set yourself goals and work hard to reach them. We do not want a mindless, goalless student. Goal setting guides you on a path to success. Keep your goals in mind and what it takes to achieve them, and don’t let anything or anyone turn you off course. On your path forward the challenges might seem formidable and there are times when your energy is spent. You must be your own critic. Examine your approach, discover the weaknesses and improve your application. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Seek out the experts and heed their advice.

To those who did not pass the examination, try harder the next time. There is a place for you in our universe. Some people are late developers. I believe that everyone has some God-given talents that can be used for the benefit of self and this nation.

Ada Johnson is a solicitor and barrister-at-law. E-mail address is: exploringthelaw@yahoo.com