Understanding the Law
July 18, 2014

Bold crimes

We will never get accustomed to these bold and vicious crimes that are hitting our beloved country. Twenty-five years ago we did not know much about violent crimes, they were associated with occurrences in foreign countries, not in peaceful Hairouna. What is wrong? Is it poverty or is it an attraction for fast money and the fast life? Have we lost our cherished values for contentment and patience? What about the deferred gratification of working hard for future satisfaction?{{more}}

History must repeat itself if we are to continue those cherished norms that helped to build our nation. But history must not repeat itself by making the same mistakes that were made in the past. There are persons who would not take note, preferring to make the mistakes again. We have heard it from headstrong persons who ride roughshod over others. The bullies in our society impose themselves on others, frightening them into silence. Perhaps we should look more critically at these people. We have to identify the potential criminals and dissuade them from their dastardly acts. Let them know that there is nothing positive to gain from taking the life of another.

The criminals make history in our country and they are emboldened to commit outrageous acts that shock society. Then they try to hide from justice. They want to live but yet they want to snuff out the life of others. It is difficulty to understand why people behave in such manner. Are these people psychopaths?

We need definite efforts and serious actions to reduce crimes. We need to talk people out of crimes. We need to get everyone on board to wipe out crimes. We need a proactive police force, citizens, religious and charitable organisations. Life is precious and it should not be disposed of lightly.

We need to focus on the bullies and those who have the tendency to be bullies. Many countries are now focusing on bullying because of some of the negative impact. It has been identified as a serious factor in causing workplace problems and in some instances its persistence has caused the victim to commit suicide.

Bullying often starts in the home where some of the children practise their skills on other members of the family. They are not only verbally abusive but also physically abusive. Hence the first stop is at the home and children must be reached as early as possible. The school and the church should take up the slack by teaching children positive attitudes. The school must work along with the home to resolve behavioural problems and teachers should continue to inculcate good habits even though the job may seem insurmountable. The children would remember some things when they are grown. Teach them about retreating from a fight and forgetting their pride. Teach them about controlling their emotions and not using violence to cause pain and suffering. Teach them about the horrors of taking a life. Show the need to love and respect others.

Persons who commit murder come with some degree of aggression and built up anger. They are in need of anger management. Provision must be made to help those who are on the road to self- destruction because when they commit their atrocious crimes, their punishment is either death or life imprisonment. They will not be allowed to go scotch free.

For those who intend to kill, remember it is not worth it. Don’t kill. Enjoy your short time on earth. Be a useful citizen. Maintain your calm.

Ada Johnson is a solicitor and barrister-at-law.

E-mail address is: exploringthelaw@yahoo.com