Friends pay tribute to the late Dr Margaret-Ann Eustace
Left to right: Ann Eustace, Jennifer Nanton, Cheryl Stone and Cheryl Rodriguez at the French Veranda on February 2, 2024
May 24, 2024

Friends pay tribute to the late Dr Margaret-Ann Eustace

Ann, as we knew her, joined our form at the Girls’ High School in 1963. We moved up in the forms to Six A and left in 1969. We were the inseparable four. We did everything together and supported each other; walked with our stingy brim hats swinging on our hands, on the streets in Kingstown, until a Mistress caught and disciplined us.

In those days, some of our A Level subjects were taught at the St Vincent Boys’ Grammar School, e.g. Economics, a new subject which we “picked up”, and the subjects that Ann offered at A level, Botany and Zoology.

Ann was a year or two younger than us. She entered the GHS a brilliant “girl”. She became a Prefect and participated in all school and extracurricular activities, including the famous march from the GHS to Government House for a cause, organized by her big brother, the fearless Monty. We sat on stones at Government house after our enthusiastic and triumphant march in the hot sun, and knew what it meant to protest when we did not agree with something.

Cheryl Deane Rodriguez still has her St Vincent GHS Magazine 1969. Ann was the lay out chief. She wrote all of the character sketches for Form V1 A, 1967-1968; Form L V1 1967-1968, including her own, that said, “Margaret Ann Eustace: The “baby” of the form. Ann is a diminutive, but strong willed -individual, with a ready wit. Scientifically minded, she is offering Botany and Zoology at A Level, and intends to pursue a course in Medicine. Although a deep thinker, she enjoys social activities. Her hobbies include music, reading and sport.”

Ann wrote two poems in the school magazine: ‘Growing up’, and ‘Childhood’.

On leaving the GHS, Ann proceeded to studies at university; but we kept in touch over the years. We met whenever she visited- at Cheryl Bennett-Stone’s daughter’s wedding at Young Island. She was in Turkey in 2019 and Cheryl Deane’s Rodriguez’ relative and friend, Lenroy Thomas messaged her and said “guess who is here with us?, your GHS friend Dr Ann Eustace”.

On February 2, 2024, the inseparable four friends met at French Verandah for lunch. We took several photos and after she had taken, in her estimation, enough photos, she told Cheryl, the photographer, “that’s it, I am not taking any more photos.” Typical Ann, just like her, speak her mind, firm, no nonsense!

Cheryl regarded Ann as a gentle, brilliant, ambitious, outspoken, private, loving, generous, faithful, genuine friend and sister.

What you saw from her is what you got. She was never phony nor two faced, always firm, knew what she wanted, focused, and never wavering from her set goals. In her professional life as a doctor, she was approachable and caring. She ate sensibly, exercised, kept active. She never blew a trumpet about the many generous contributions she made to the needy, society, and all who did not even approach her for assistance.

She just did what she thought was the right thing to do.

Cheryl kept in touch with her by e-mail; she was not on WhatsApp.

Jennifer had this to say about Ann : ” Ann was my motivation for wanting to excel. She was hard to beat. She was a member of the Girl Guides Association. I remember in lower six I told her she was the shortest girl who was born on the longest day of the year, June 21st . She definitely was not amused at that.

I am so happy that my last memory of her was the four of us having lunch at French Verandah and we pledged to meet again next year, but that was not to be.”

Cheryl Bennett- Stone said, “Ann was a Prefect. She was a very keen student and consistently got very high grades for all her work. Ann also liked classical music. Most of all, Ann was a good and loyal friend.”

She visited Cheryl Bennett- Stone at her home in the U.K. frequently, and on the most recent visit, they agreed to meet at her house the next time.

Cheryl jokingly asked her if she will cook her famous dishes. She said ‘no, we will order out.”

We miss our dear sister and friend. We are numb about her passing. We grieve with Monty, our big brother, and all the family and friends of Ann. We honour her memory. God wanted a helper. He called the best. We live in the blessed assurance that we will be re -united with our dear one on that great resurrection day. Continue to sleep in peace. You are safe now in the arms of Jesus. (Editor’s note): On April 24, 2024,the body of Dr Margaret-Ann Eustace was found floating in the sea at Friendship, Bequia. A post-mortem on the body of the 71 year old medical doctor concluded that she died as a result of asphyxia due to upper and lower airway obstruction from sea sand. The Police investigation into her death was re-opened; her body has not yet been laid to rest.