Sugar Matters
May 5, 2015

Mission 2015!

Our annual mission trip concluded two weeks ago. This year I was sad not to be there physically, but you should know that I had you all in my heart and prayers.

As in prior years, the mission team was led by Vincy native daughter AnnMarie Lee Wilkins, and the team visited several clinics. This year, fewer people came to diabetes clinic, even in Georgetown, which usually has overflowing people at clinic.{{more}} But the turnout was still good, and from what I was told, our Vincy family continues to strive towards better health every year.

Many issues remain the same for everyone battling diabetes. Watching what you eat and trying to be physically active remain the foundations of good health and keeping your blood sugars controlled. For those of you taking medications that are pills, remembering to take them on time and every day is one of your biggest tasks. For those of you taking insulin, timing is even more crucial. For everyone taking medications, taking them every day, watching for side effects, making sure the dose is correct AND making sure you check your blood sugars when you can are all major steps towards better control.

Diabetes is not always for a lifetime, but for many people with Type 2 diabetes, unless significant weight loss and/or diet changes happen, the disease stays for the long run. So management, not cure, becomes the task at hand. Do not despair if you have not been able to rid yourself of Type 2 diabetes. It is not an easy goal to reach, so those of you who have, truly won a prize! For those who continue to manage this disease day by day, march on! Do not despair! Your goal is to prevent yourself from reaching further harm from high blood sugars, a worthy goal more than any other to be sure.

For the next few weeks, I plan on talking about some of the major ways to ensure your health stays on track. I will be rounding out this column after over five years of sharing and listening to my Vincy family. So for the next few weeks, let’s keep talking.

Until next week, stay safe and healthy Vincy family!

Anita Ramsetty, MD

Medical Director Endocrine Care Group

Tel: 843-798-4227