SVGOC refreshes Executive
Four new faces have been added to the 2024- 2028 executive of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Olympic Committee.
The four- Shimano Bailey, Claude Bascombe Jr, Suzette Jackson, and Amber Glasgow were installed last Saturday, April 27, 2024, at the conference room of Paradise Hotel as the executive was elected unopposed.
Bailey was installed as vice president, a post previously held by his father, Trevor Bailey; while Bascombe Jr, replaced Geshell Peters, as assistant secretary treasurer.
Incidentally, Bascombe Jr was defeated by Peters at the November 2021 elections of the national Olympic body.
Meanwhile, Jackson and Glasgow are the two trustees; they take the places held by LaPrise Williams and Kevin Hannaway.
Bailey, Bascombe Jr, Jackson and Glasgow, join president, Stephen Joachim; general secretary, Keith Joseph; and treasurer, Jacintha Ballantyne.
The executive thus features six persons who are presidents of the respective national sporting organisations.
Joachim is the president of the SVG Swimming Federation; Bailey, the SVG Cycling Union; while Joseph is the president of Team Athletics SVG; and Bascombe Jr is the president of the Hairouna Karate Federation.
Jackson and Glasgow serve as president of the SVG Basketball Federation and the SVG Squash Association, respectively.
Ballantyne, though, holds her portfolio, representing as treasurer of the SVG Netball Association.