Sixty-two complete X-Ceed Sports Club Camp 2023
Some members of the X-Ceed Sports Club’ 2023 camp at the Diamond Track Facility
August 18, 2023

Sixty-two complete X-Ceed Sports Club Camp 2023

The 12th edition of the annual X- Ceed Sports Club camp concluded last Monday August 14, with a competition amongst participants at the Diamond Track Facility.

Monday’s event was the culmination of 17 days of intense activity, with practical and theoretical sessions held at the Thomas Saunders Secondary School’s temporary compound located at the decommissioned ET Joshua Airport Tarmac.

Beginning July 13, with sessions from Mondays to Thursdays, the participants were taken through the paces by coaches Godfrey Harry and Kahlil Cato.

Reflecting on the camp, Harry noted that it was worth the while.

“It was one of our biggest in-takes… We were able to meet our set objectives, whereby we set out to better the skills of the seasoned athletes, while seeking out the abilities of those who are relatively new to Track and Field,” Harry shared.

The camp did not only entail the running, jumping and throwing, but included sessions in which persons were brought in to give talks on various topics.

“ It was not only about Track and Field, because we had the services of Ms Vynnette Frederick, who spoke on the Importance of the Club; Rohan Thomas who looked at National Selection, while Dr Perry De Freitas touched on Nutrition and Injuries,” Harry informed.

“We are pleased for the financial input made by Team Athletics SVG… Such assistance went a long way in making the camp a success it was”, Harry added.

Harry was also pleased that at Monday’s closing, former Coordinator of Physical Education and Sports – Nelson Hillocks, and Semone Richardson, who is currently acting in that position were present at the Diamond Track Facility.

Apart from the Track and Field components, the club’s Netball programme was attended to by Maryann Frederick and Coreen Yorke.

Harry noted that the Netball aspect was critical, as the club endeavours to build on the talents and involvement of the organisation.

Looking forward to the 2024 edition, Harry said an evaluation will be done of the 2023 camp, with a view to making it even better.