Trio gain Concacaf B licence certificate
From left- Alfred Grant, Andrew Bramble, Keith Ollivierre
July 21, 2023

Trio gain Concacaf B licence certificate

The Technical Department of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation has been fortified, as three long-standing coaches have been certified with the Concacaf B licence.

The three are Andrew Bramble, Keith Ollivierre and Alfred Grant, who together have 85 years of coaching experience.

Bramble has under his belt 37 years, while Ollivierre has racked up 27, and Grant, 21.

Despite their varied years of experiences, the trio have many things in common, and they are ready for the next level and want to see football in St Vincent and the Grenadines progress.

“ Although with a B licence I can coach within the Concacaf region, I will first and foremost want to develop the St Vincent and the Grenadines brand”, Bramble told SEARCHLIGHT.

In the case of Ollivierre, who has moved through the rungs as a national player, head coach and Technical Director of St Vincent and the Grenadines football, he wants to see more coaches equipped with the expertise.

“ It is all about how to coach, (so) you have to have the qualifications and certification and we have been moving in that direction”, Ollivierre said.

And, recognising that he is nowhere where he wants to be, Grant said, “It feels good to achieve this B licence, but it is a work in progress, because after the B, you still have the A, and [it’s] part of the development”.

“I want to see St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Football move forward, because it is hard to see we are behind in so many areas and leave and go in another country and develop theirs”, Grant highlighted.

The three, join current Director of Technical Matters, Theon Gordon, as Vincentians with Concacaf B licence.

Bramble, Ollivierre and Grant, all revealed that they are already in pursuance of their A licence, along with Gordon.