Eight teams seek Football glory in Marriaqua Village Cup
July 21, 2023

Eight teams seek Football glory in Marriaqua Village Cup

Eight football units, mainly from the Marriaqua Valley will be seeking honours in the 2023 Kirk Da Silva, SVGFF, Bargain Auto Service, Marriaqua Football Association(MFA) Village Cup.

The participating teams are: defending champions, Downstreet; Greiggs; Glenside; Cane End; Richland Park; Richland Park Old Boys; Carriere; and guest team, Walvaroo City.

Competition gets going this Sunday, July 23, when Greiggs meets Downstreet from 4:30 p.m at the Cane End Playing Field.

The opening salvo will be preceded by an opening ceremony.

Action at the venue on Sunday, though, kicks off with two friendly encounters, as the Marriaqua and Greiggs Under-13 teams meet from 2:00 p.m, this game will be followed by an encounter between Glenside Ball Blazers and Awesome FC, in a rematch of the Greiggs Football League final.