National player Hosni Chandler says thanks for turn out at football event
May 5, 2023
National player Hosni Chandler says thanks for turn out at football event

Hosni Chandler, a national footballer, who is in search of $71, 000 to defray costs to undergo surgery in Cuba, is buoyed by the public’s support of the “Goal Quest” venture staged last Saturday night, April 29, at the Victoria Park.

Goal Quest was the major undertaking in the drive to raise the funds, as six community/league teams from Greiggs, Kingstown, North East, South Leeward, Central Leeward and North Leeward were engaged in three football matches.

But it was the turn out of patrons that pleased Chandler.

“ Even at short notice, I will like to express my sincerest gratitude to each person that responded to the call to assist me in this time of need,” Chandler told SEARCHLIGHT.

He pointed as well to those who were foremost in organising the Goal Quest event.

“Thanks to the St Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation, along with sponsors who contributed to make everything possible … thanks to those who made monetary contributions from overseas and here at home … thanks also to those who did the promotional videos and share them to make others aware,” Chandler said.

He was also grateful to the players, “who came out and gave of their talents on the field and everyone else who contributed to make the venture the success it was”.

Chandler said “ From preliminary counts, the target has not been reached from last Saturday’s event, but the journey continues and I am thankful for the support, it was greatly appreciated”.

Persons willing to contribute can make donations to the Pastures UTD FC’s account #7104712 at the BOSVG.

Chandler’s medical challenges surfaced last November, when it was revealed that he had an irregular heartbeat.

It was discovered that Chandler has a severe pulmonary arterial hypertension, deep vein thrombosis, a recurrent pulmonary embolism and compromised left ventricular function.

As a result Cardiac Catheterisation surgery was highly recommended, with Cuba being the preferred choice to obtain the medical intervention.