Throws Classic set for Diamond, tomorrow
Veteran athlete Andrea David, turning back the times at the 2022 Wendell Hercules National Championships
January 20, 2023

Throws Classic set for Diamond, tomorrow

Beginning at 2:00 p.m, tomorrow, Saturday, January 21, the national governing body for Track and Field here in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), will host its first major competition, for 2023.

This will be the annual Throws Classic which takes place at the Sir Vincent Beache Stadium, Diamond.

The event is open to male and female athletes seven years and older.

Tomorrow’s Throws Classic, is an overall thrust by Team Athletics SVG (TASVG), to place greater emphasis on the Throws events.

As such, TASVG, is embarking on a project dubbed: “ Throws for Success”.

Part of the project involved the consultation process, whereby officials of TASVG met with personnel from the National Parks, to earmark and select the best possible sites for the installation of throwing areas.

Then, was followed by Discus and Shot Putt circles being erected on the sites chosen.

And, phase two is the education of coaches about the simple and proper techniques in order to improve the throwing abilities of the athletes.