SVGOC to elect new President
TREVOR BAILEY president of the SVGOC
September 17, 2021

SVGOC to elect new President

WHEN THE 18 affiliates of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Olympic Committee meet on November 12, 2021, they will most critically elect a new president to head the organisation for the next four years.

This, as Trevor “Sailor” Bailey, who has been in the post since 1997, has made it clear that he will not be seeking another term.

Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT last week, Bailey disclosed: “I have always asked God to show me a sign when it was time to give it up, and when last elections (2017), I was challenged by Joachim (Stephen), I realised that was the sign”.

On the previous occasions, Bailey was unopposed.

Bailey, who is also the long-standing president of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Cycling Union, added: “It is time for a new person to take up the mantle”.

He noted that being president of such an organisation was not a “simple” task, but demanded a lot of time away from his business and family.

“During my tenure, I would say that I would have done the best that I could have and I am satisfied that I was able to have an impact,” Bailey related.

In addition to the two local positions, Bailey is president of the Caribbean Cycling Federation, as well as a vice- president of the Pan American Cycling Confederation.