SVGNA President unimpressed with the state of the sport  
August 7, 2018

SVGNA President unimpressed with the state of the sport  

President of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Netball Association (SVGNA), Doris Mc Intosh, is not entirely happy with the current state of netball here.

Mc Intosh was blunt as she addressed the Closing and Presentation Ceremony of the 2018 FLOW National Netball Club Tournament, when she stated, “I am not completely happy with netball here in St Vincent and the Grenadines.”

Calling for immediateand corrective action, Mc Intosh proffered, “I believe the time has come when a close assessment must be done, with accompanying action, which will further drive the development process… It has to be done.”

Also part of Mc Intosh’s list of suggestions was for former players and administrators to get back on board, to aid in the development of the sport.

“I urge those persons here in St Vincent and the Grenadines, who used to be very active and are now inactive, to get back on board and be part of this noble women’s sport once more, either as an umpire, a coach, or serve in administration,” Mc Intosh endeared.

“Netball in St Vincent and the Grenadines needs truly committed individuals who will work as good professionals to ensure that the wheels of the game turn smoothly … It is indeed hard work,” she added.

Reflecting on the passage of the just concluded FLOW National Club tournament, Mc Intosh highlighted a few areas which are in need of attention.

Speaking on the issue of defaulted matches, Mc Intosh said some teams gave “appropriate reasons”, while others failed, “to have the decency to communicate to us.”

“This is unacceptable, and can no longer be tolerated… This is an indictment on the managers and coaches… Responsibility rests at the feet of the leaders of teams, those in charge,” the SVGNA president charged.

Mc Intosh, therefore, called for this to be corrected in the very near future.

She again lamented the need for qualified umpires to officiate in the national tournament, and stated that her executive will be making another pitch to rectify the situation with regard to the hosting of training sessions for umpires, beginning September 11.