July 27, 2018

Football must straighten up – Major

Former president of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation (SVGFF) ‘Major’ St Clair Leacock, wants the current executive of the national football body to get “its act together”.

Addressing the opening of the 2018 Digicel/ St Vincent Brewery Breakaway Masters organisation’s football tournament last Saturday at the Grammar School Playing Field, Leacock made his feelings known.

 Directing his comments to first
vice–president of the SVGFF Otashie Spring, who was present, Leacock pleaded, “The executive must get its act together”.

Leacock based his call for action on what he deemed a regression in the fortunes of the sport.

“This country has a proud football history and you must restore us to our glory days when we can live and keep our heads high,” he noted.

Leacock, in pointing out the regression in the country’s rankings on FIFA, reminded those within his earshot, that St Vincent and the Grenadines was at 73rd in late 2007, but has dropped to its current position of 173rd.

“In the same period of time, we have gotten $15 million, which means for every one-and-a-half million dollars we got, we have declined 10 points (places),” Leacock quantified.