Make use of your opportunity – SVGCA Inc  president
Members of the Lennox John National Cricket Academy, along with parents and coaches
July 6, 2018

Make use of your opportunity – SVGCA Inc president

The 15 members of the current batch of the Lennox John National Cricket Academy, have been advised to make maximum use of their enrollment.

Advising them was president of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Cricket Association Inc. Dr. Kishore Shallow, as he addressed the budding cricketers and their parents and guardians, last Saturday at the Conference Room of the National Sports Council at the Arnos Vale Playing Field.

“You have been given an opportunity at this point and once you capitalize on this you probably won’t ever require an office job anymore, and I can guarantee you that our Sunil Ambris, our Kenroy Peters and all these guys make a lot more money than those guys (who are employed) in offices,” Dr. Shallow informed.

Ambris is the latest Vincentian to play test cricket for the West Indies and is currently with the West Indies A team in England, while Peters has represented the West Indies in one test.
Shallow disclosed that Ambris was given a test cricket contract by Cricket West Indies, which made him a highly paid Vincentian.

The national cricket head man, implored the young cricketers to seek out other avenues of employment which cricket offers.

“Further to even playing cricket, there are so many different roles and opportunities for coaches, scorers … You can become a coach and don’t even have to play the game… No longer can we say that we don’t have jobs …There is nobody in the academy right now, who 20 years from now should be saying that there is no job in St Vincent (and the Grenadines),” Shallow advanced.

But he encouraged the parents and guardians to play their part in realizing the opportunities that afford them.

Dr Kishore Shallow, president of the SVGCA Inc

“Your role is just as important… I hold you responsible for the direction or where these guys end up in the future … With proper guidance from the parents, I guarantee that these guys will reach very far,” Shallow projected.

Twelve males and three females are enrolled in the academy, which is hosting its second intake, following the first last year.

The academy is named after stand-out cricket administrator Lennox John.

Last Saturday’s meeting with the parents and guardians also coincided with the handing over of apparel.

In addition, the cricketers are given a weekly stipend of $15 to offset their transportation to attend sessions on Saturdays at the Arnos Vale Playing Field.

They are also treated to fruits at the beginning of each session and a snack at the end.

The cohort of coaches involved in the academy are Samantha Lynch, Bertram Stapleton, Alston Bobb and Ian Allen. Co-ordinating activities on behalf of the SVGCA Inc. is Cleton Burnett.

The aim of the academy is to identify young, talented cricketers, work and nurture them, with the hope of feeding the various SVG’s teams, the Windwards and ultimately, the West Indies.