Police Two  standing firm in national 20/20 cricket competition
June 12, 2018

Police Two standing firm in national 20/20 cricket competition

Police Two continued their unbeaten run in the National Lotteries Authority Neil Williams 20/20 cricket competition.

A nine-wicket win over Prime Consulting Marriaqua at Arnos Vale One Plating Field, on Saturday, ensured the law officers’ unblemished record.

Marriaqua was dismissed for 73. Jamarlie Wales hit a topscore of 26, while Kenneth Dember, bowling for the lawmen, had 2 for 19 and Kesrick Williams, 2 for 22.

Desron Maloney then stroked 47 not out, as Police Two replied with 74 for 1.

Also on Saturday at the nearby Arnos Vale Two, Smashers recorded a 70-run win over Triumph United.

Smashers scored 160 off 11.2 overs, with Kirton Lavia hitting 46, Ozico Williams, 36 and Ronald Scott, 35.

Bowling for Triumph United, Ahmed Baptiste had 3 for 37 and Ezra Jacobs, 3 for 35.

In response, Triumph United scored 90 all out in 12.2 overs.

Leading Triumph United’s batting was Wasim Dember, who scored 30, while Marvin Harry and Kesworth Lewis, had two wickets each bowling for Smashers.

At Park Hill, E & J Robertson North Windward Youths defeated defending champions Victors One by 19 runs.

North Windward Youths made 106 for 5 from 13 overs. Zeno Da Souza struck 38 and Sealroy Williams, 23.

Keron Cottoy picked off 2 for 33, bowling for Victors One.

Victors One was dismissed for 87 from 12.1 overs. Stratford Ballantyne had 3 for 15 and Kinson Dalzell, 2 for 13.

And, Team Rivals won by default from FLOW Radcliffe.