Pre-schoolers get a head start on Sports Day!
May 13, 2011

Pre-schoolers get a head start on Sports Day!

Fresh off the heels of its Mother’s Day Luncheon on May 6, 2011, the Headstart Pre-School at Villa, in celebration of Child’s Month 2011, held its Annual Sports Day for the first year students at the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex on Tuesday, May 10, 2011.{{more}}

The two year old students sang the National Anthem, marched around the main playing field and then participated in various races, including the egg and spoon and hurdles races.

Although this was the very first sports day for this group of pre-schoolers, the students demonstrated excellent athletic abilities. The very eager and energetic youngsters were cheered on by a lively group of parents, grand-parents and teachers who turned out to support their efforts.

At the end of the two-hour event, each participant received a gold medal inscribed with stars and the word “winner” for their efforts.

Parents were not to be outdone by their children as they also participated in the Mothers’ Race and the Fathers’ Race, and to their credit they also performed admirably.

Headteacher of the Headstart Pre-School, Lavinia Francis, commended the parents for their participation and thanked them for coming out to show their support.

The Annual Sports Day for the second and third year students of the Headstart Pre-School will take place on 17th May, 2011.