New and Improved: Inter Schools Athletics Championships implement many firsts
April 5, 2011

New and Improved: Inter Schools Athletics Championships implement many firsts

The Finals of the 2011 National Lotteries Authority/ St. Vincent Corrugated Container Inc. Inter Secondary Schools Athletics Championships have served up many firsts.{{more}}

For the first time, and most significantly, there was the use of electronic timing coupled with a photo finish, at the event held on Thursday, March 31, at the Arnos Vale Playing Field.

Spectators were pleasantly surprised by the new appearance of the traditionally green track, which featured alternate lanes dyed blue, enhancing the demarcation.

In addition, the medal presentations saw costumed students holding the trays with the medals.

The students, an all-female cast, were regally attired, as they carried gold, silver and bronze crowns.

It was also the first time that there were cash awards for the top schools in the Male and Female Divisions.

For its victory in both categories (291 points in the Male Division and 180 in the Female), the Thomas Saunders Secondary gained vouchers valued $3,000 ($1,500 per category), which must go towards the purchase of the athletics equipment.

Like the Thomas Saunders Secondary, the other four top finishers also received vouchers.

Second place in the male category, the Petit Bordel Secondary, with 197.5 points, pocketed $1, 200; the third place team, the St. Vincent Grammar School, which totalled 151 points, received a voucher worth $900. Fourth place, the St. Martins Secondary, with 130 points, gained $600, and fifth place, the Bethel High School, which finished on 104 points, received $300.

The Bethel High School was second in the Female segment with 152.5 points, narrowly beating the St. Joseph’s Convent Kingstown’s 151.5 points.

Placing fourth was the Petit Bordel Secondary with 137 points and fifth was the Union Island Secondary and the Girls’ High School, who both finished with 106 points. The second, third, fourth and fifth places, like their male counterparts, received payments worth, $1,200, $900, $600, and $300, respectively.

Last Thursday’s finals was also officially declared open by Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves.

Remarks were also given by Minister of Education and Deputy Prime Minister Girlyn Miguel; Minister of Sports, Frederick Stephenson; Chair of the Athletics Sub-Committee of the Schools Games Committee Keith Joseph; Chair of the Schools Games Committee Beverly Neptune; Chairman of the National Lotteries Authority Murray Bullock; and Jerome Burke Jr., who represented the St. Vincent Corrugated Container Inc. (RT)