25 coaches benefit from 10-day basketball clinic
June 18, 2010

25 coaches benefit from 10-day basketball clinic

Close to 25 persons are currently involved in a ten-day basketball clinic conducted by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Basketball Federation in conjunction with this country’s National Olympic Committee.{{more}}

The level one sessions are being facilitated by International Olympic Committee/ International Basketball Federation accredited coach Nelson Isley who has visited these shores for similar clinics in the past.
The clinic which got started last week Tuesday continued last weekend with Isley conducting sessions on the Grenadine island of Bequia on Saturday and Sunday.

Those were followed this week by theoretical and practical sessions on the mainland at the New Montrose basketball court, with a formal graduation scheduled for tomorrow, June 19.

President of the SVGBF Cleophas Glynn, at a press conference last week said that his organization was happy to have Isley back for another session, which he said was in keeping with the federation’s motto of building citizenship through sports, while reaching out to its grassroot development program.

He thanked the NOC for playing a vital role in the clinic, by providing EC $20,000 for its facilitation.
Coach Isley, who indicated that he considered St. Vincent and the Grenadines a home away from home, said that during the 10-day session he hopes to impart various philosophies, strategies and concepts to the participants, on the importance of teaching the game to players.

The veteran coach also made a call for an indoor sport facility to be constructed, which he said was the only way to produce top athletes through proper preparation.

Also speaking at last week’s press conference was President of the NOC Trevor Bailey, who said that his organization was pleased to facilitate the clinic.

Bailey promised that the organization will continue to facilitate other such courses to the federation, as well as its other affiliates in an effort to prepare their athletes for local, regional and international tournaments.