Businesses urged to sign up for Table Tennis Tournament
February 26, 2010

Businesses urged to sign up for Table Tennis Tournament

Businesses in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are being encouraged to sign up for the first ever Sean Stanley Table Tennis Academy Business house Table Tennis Tournament.{{more}}

Owner of the academy Sean Stanley spoke to Searchlight about the Tournament which is scheduled for March 8 to 22, 2010.

Stanley said that businesses should consider signing up for the Tournament as it gives staff, who are not involved in sport, a chance to be involved in a recreational sport, which he opined is important for overall development. “A healthier staff is a more productive staff,” he stated.

Stanley also mentioned the need for an indoor sporting facility to facilitate sports like table tennis, basketball and taekwondo, among others. A facility like this, Stanley said, can generally improve indoor sports in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

In the meantime, the tournament will take place at the old Kingstown Anglican School Annex, beginning at 6 pm each evening. Categories in the competition will include teams, individuals open singles, doubles and mixed doubles. At the end of the tournament, winners in each category will receive trophies.

Stanley added that no present or former national players are allowed to take part in the tournament. This he said was done to create a ‘level playing field’ for competitors.

For more information on the tournament and to register persons can contact Sean Stanley at 527-2118, 451-2283 or e-mail him at