SVGVA elects new executive
September 21, 2007

SVGVA elects new executive

Shaun Young has been reelected unopposed to the position of President of the Volleyball Association.{{more}}

At an Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, September 11, 2007, Dayne Nichols was elected Vice President, Karen Nichols – General Secretary, Collin Dougan – Treasurer, and Vance Andrews – Public Relations Officer. Returning to the Executive but serving in new capacities are Committee Members Marlon Williams and Nikita Campbell.

The election was facilitated by Trevor “Sailor” Bailey, President of the National Olympic Committee.

The new Executive has begun work on its mandate to catapult Volleyball into a new era, and also recapture the glory days of the 80s when Volley Ball was a main stream sport in SVG.

The first event will be a “Four-a-Side” competition for both senior and junior volleyball players, scheduled for September 29 at the National Lottery Tennis Court at 7:00 pm. The committee is calling on all who desire to see the sport of Volleyball develop to assist in anyway possible.