Gunners win Mustique Tri-Athlete Relay
August 17, 2007

Gunners win Mustique Tri-Athlete Relay

The tranquility of the Grenadine island of Mustique was briefly interrupted last Sunday afternoon, with the staging of the first Tri -Athlete Relay.

Eighteen teams made up of construction workers, families, guests and serious athletes all competed in the inaugural event.{{more}}

Draped with hazy sunshine, the idyllic setting of the island had to take a back seat as the relay cycled off at 4:10 p.m. just outside the island’s lone airport. The relay wound its way on the roadways and waters of the island, with seven kilometers of cycling, three kilometers of swimming and just under one kilometer of running.

After 47 minutes and 59 seconds, the trio who called themselves Gunners crossed the finish line to be the first to inscribe their names on the one metre high challenge trophy and receive medals plus a massage each from the celebrated Cotton House Spa.

Finishing second was Nature Care in 48 minutes and 7 seconds. They received medals, along with dinner at Basil’s Bar. A complimentary pizza from Firefly went to each member of team Angels which placed third. Angels completed the course in 48 minutes 52 seconds. And the team which found the course most difficult and took an eternity to finish or deliberately wanted to finish last, received a two-hour pass to the Cotton House Gym for their efforts.

And everyone on the private island seemed to be part of the relay, as they applauded each finisher, except for a group of footballers who were indifferent to the event as they carried on their game despite the finish line being a stone’s throw away.

The event, which organisers say will be an annual event, will complement the three-year-old 10 k run that takes place during Easter.

Last Sunday’s event was made possible because of the generosity of several sponsors. Among them are Milsom Construction, JAD Construction, Mustique Company, Digicel, Aunt Jobe Supermarket, Cotton House, Basil’s Bar, Firefly, Sweetie Pie Bakery and Bottlers St. Vincent.