Special Features
June 3, 2022

Two transformational ReMLit outputs

OECS Model Policy and Legislation for Effective Waste

The drafting of OECS Model Policy and Legislation for Effective Waste Management is an important achievement of the ReMLit Project. This Policy and Legislation addresses a long-standing and urgent need to update and strengthen the enabling environment and coordinating mechanisms for waste management in OECS member states. Nationally adapted policy and legislation for effective waste management have also been drafted. These policies take into consideration new and emerging issues and facilitate new business opportunities for material recycling, reuse or/ and substitution. Model Regulations were drafted with respect to Effluent Limitations, Hazardous Waste, Litter Control and Prevention Act, and Waste Management Regulations.

OECS Incentive Program for Reduction of Marine Litter:

Another significant output of the ReMLit Project is the development and adoption of guidelines and fiscal and other incentive programs to promote a circular economy and reduce plastics and Styrofoam use, and encourage recycling, reuse, waste reduction, diversion and effective disposal on the OECS.

Guidelines on Fiscal Incentives and Model Policy to Promote Effective Waste Management is now complete following a period of extensive engagement with the OECS public and private sector. It includes an assessment of all existing incentive programmes at the national level, and the impact on the individual, household and businesses. Findings from the assessment informed the preparation of guidelines on fiscal incentives and model policy to promote waste reduction and effective waste disposal and management.

Informing the development of the Guidelines and incentive program was a Baseline study which assessed the knowledge available to private sector, the policy and regulatory environment that they operate in, and how this impacts the incorporation of, and partnering on best waste management practices with public sector. Recommendations for strengthening the policy and legal framework were provided to facilitate the private sector in partnering on waste management initiatives and addressing barriers to the private sector in implementing effective waste management practices. The assessment also explored the feasibility of replicating or upscaling current good practices in waste management.