Nurse urges exercise and healthy eating to combat Diabetes
Press Release
May 31, 2024

Nurse urges exercise and healthy eating to combat Diabetes

The Ministry of Health said it is continuing its battle with chronic non- communicable diseases and their prevalence.

Family Nurse Practitioner, Sister Roxanne Laidlow- Joseph says even as the health professionals are doing their best, health is a shared responsibility and she has therefire urged parents to start addressing the issue of proper nutrition and adequate physical activity in the prevention of Diabetes.

In an interview with the Agency for Public Information (API), Laidlow-Joseph said the ministry has observed a trend of inactivity among children which in turn leads to an unhealthy Body Mass Index (BMI) and weight.

Laidlow- Joseph noted that type 2 Diabetes is prevalent and it is important that parents adopt a preventative approach by getting children involved in exercise and practise healthy eating habits.

The Family Nurse Practitioner urged the public as well to be up-to-date with their medical check-ups especially if there is a family history of Diabetes.

Diabetes is defined as a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. (API)