UNICEF launches programme to manage infections in schools
Press Release
April 19, 2024

UNICEF launches programme to manage infections in schools

UNICEF in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, USAID/BHA, and the Ministry of Education and National Reconciliation have partnered to provide critical training to a number of teaching professionals from various education institutions across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), in Infection Prevention Control (IPC).

The programme, designed for ‘resilient schools’, is geared towards curbing the spread of diseases and other ailments through employing techniques and control measures specifically tailored for the school environment.

During the opening ceremony for the workshops on Thursday April 11, 2024, at the UWI Global Campus, chief education officer, Kay Martin-Jack said “infection control is a team effort, by working together with teachers, staff, parents and students we can create a healthy school environment; the knowledge and strategies gained from this workshop will empower you to lead your school community in prioritizing infection control and prevention”.

The areas of focus include hygiene (hand, respiratory and cough); management of blood and body fluid spills; waste management and management of exposure held under the theme “building safe and resilient schools through infection prevention and control” (API).