PSU Members go to the polls next month
Press Release
March 22, 2024
PSU Members go to the polls next month

Members of the Public Service Union (PSU), will be choosing a new executive to run its affairs at elections to be held in April.

The elections, to take place on April 23 and 24, 2024, will determine who runs the union’s affairs for the 2024-2026 biennium, a release from the union states.

Nomination will close on Friday April,5, and voting will be done at the various work places where the PSU is recognised as the bargaining agent for workers.

Chair of the nominations committee, Harvey Farrell, said this is the third election that will be conducted at the workplace since a resolution was passed at the union’s 75th annual general meeting on September 19, 2018, paving the way for replacement of the traditional voting system of having the election as part of the AGM.

Farrell added that the crafters of the resolution envisioned wider participation in the election and a deepening of the democratic process and is appealing to the membership to become more engaged in the affairs of the union in honour of the crafters of the resolution. He said one way of doing so is to participate in the upcoming elections.