Press Release
July 14, 2023

Cuba offers 21 scholarships to SVG

The Republic of Cuba has granted 21 scholarships to the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

A release from the office of the Prime Minister said the granting of the scholarships was done on Tuesday, June. They will be for the 2023/24 academic year and are available for Vincentian students to pursue graduate and postgraduate studies at Cuban universities. The areas offered are:

7 scholarships for Medicine

4 scholarships for postgraduate Medical Studies (for graduates in Cuba)

1 scholarship for Stomatology

7 scholarships in Nursing

1 scholarship in Engineering

1 scholarship in Health Technology

Interested persons are invited to contact the Public Service Commission for information on the application procedure. The Republic of Cuba continues to support Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in our development agenda and this generous gift of 21 scholarships is the latest example of their contribution to our development in education, the release states. The proactive, principled foreign policy of the Government of SVG continues to produce benefits for our people, and we extend our gratitude to the Government and people of the Republic of Cuba for their continued assistance.