Vincentians celebrate Pride SVG
VINCENTIANS came together in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) this month to celebrate Pride SVG.
Press Release
June 27, 2023

Vincentians celebrate Pride SVG

IN A HISTORIC ACT of solidarity, June 2023 saw Vincentians coming together in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to celebrate Pride SVG.

In a release, Equal Rights, Access and Opportunities SVG Inc. (ERAO SVG), a human rights organization dedicated to promoting equality and non-discrimination with a specific focus on the rights of women, children, the LGBTQIA+ community, and persons living with mental and physical disabilities, said it was proud to kick off the month by collaborating with the British High Commission to host a historic Pride SVG lunch reception on June 8, 2023.

The organisation said this event is historic in SVG because, after years of violence, abuse, discrimination, exclusion, oppression, and suppression, it is the first time that Vincentians publicly came together to celebrate Pride SVG.

The Pride SVG lunch reception was well received, with over 30 different persons attending from across the LGBTQIA+ community, LGBTQIA+ allies, human rights activists and advocates, civil society organizations, international organizations, and legal professionals, who support the equality and non-discrimination of LGBTQIA+ persons in Vincentian society.

Moreover, during the month, ERAO SVG also held two other events to help spread awareness and educate the public about the rights of LGBTQIA+ persons.

On June 10, ERAO SVG held a “Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Sex, Sexuality and Gender in the Context of Vincentian Society” workshop, which was facilitated by Dr. Alisa Alvis, School and Clinical Psychologist. At this event, important concepts surrounding human sexuality

and gender were discussed.

Furthermore, ERAO SVG also hosted a panel discussion on the topic “Violence and Discrimination Affecting the LGBTQIA+ Community in SVG” on June 17.

This event was held at the conference room of the Beachcombers Hotel with a simultaneous live broadcast on IKTVs media platforms. The discussion was moderated by Tedra Kirby, communications strategist, and featured a diverse panel consisting of three persons, Dr. Alisa Alvis, School and Clinical Psychologist; MarlonYoung, policy and programme adviser for VincyChap; and Shirlan Barnwell, lawyer.

Throughout the month of June, ERAO SVG said it will also be conducting a “What is Pride SVG” social media campaign where a number of key terms and/or concepts affecting LGBTQIA+ rights will be defined and/or explored.

ERAO SVG has extended thanks to its sponsors, the British High Commission, the Pan-American Development Foundation, and the Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality for their support and help in ensuring a successful Pride SVG 2023.