1st National Bank upbeat following fruitful visit  to SVG branch
A high level delegation from 1st National Bank St Lucia Limited met with the Prime Minister and other stakeholders this week. From left: Fletcher St Jean - Managing Director, Prime Minister of SVG Dr Ralph Gonsalves, Vonetta Rodgers - Country Manager (St Vincent branch) and Nigel Fulgence - Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Press Release
May 26, 2023

1st National Bank upbeat following fruitful visit to SVG branch

Top officials of Saint Lucia’s 1st National Bank St. Lucia Limited are very upbeat following their first official visit to the Bank’s Saint Vincent and the Grenadines branch operations during the week of Monday May 22 2023, which marked the completion of the conversion of its acquisition of the RBTT St. Vincent acquisition.

The visiting team was led by Chairman of the Board of Directors Nigel Fulgence and Managing Director Fletcher St. Jean. The team also included Senior Corporate Manager Solomon Emmanuel and Head of Retail Sales, Annicia Alexander.

The Chairman, Managing Director and Country Manager for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ms. Vonetta Rodgers, also visited and had meetings with Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, Minister of Finance Camilo Gonsalves and the multi-island state’s Budget Director, Ken Morris.

In addition to meeting with government officials, the team also had discussions with all SVG staff, where the staff was reassured of 1st National Bank’s presence in the market, and the staff asked engaging questions to the team.

To conclude their Saint Vincent visit, the team had a round table open discussions with top business leaders of St. Vincent where the business leaders were extremely pleased with the presence of the team.

According to team officials, the visit and meetings were very beneficial, during which 1st National Bank’s commitment to its Saint Vincent and the Grenadines market was reassured and reconfirmed. The visiting team also outlined 1st National Bank’s long term strategy for its Saint Vincent operations and returned home certain its long-term plans have been well-planted for a fruitful future.

1st National Bank continues to expand its financial footprint.