DMV-SVG Mutual Aid Relief Hosts Two School Supply Distribution Events
Press Release
August 23, 2022

DMV-SVG Mutual Aid Relief Hosts Two School Supply Distribution Events

In line with its goal of “Uplifting children and families of St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” DMV-SVG MutualbAid Relief is hosting School Supply Distribution events for registered students and teachers at Fancy Government and Fitz Hughes Government Schools.

The first event took place yesterday at the Fancy Government School, with the second event taking place today, Tuesday, August 23 at 12 noon at the Fitz Hughes Government School.

At these events, the DMV-SVG Mutual Aid Relief provide brand new book bags and school supplies to students registered at these schools.

Teachers at both schools will receive a DMV-SVG tote bag with an array of teaching items. All items are free of charge.

“Last year, after the devastation left behind by the eruption of La Soufriere volcano, DMV-SVG Mutual Aid mobilized efforts in the DMV area to collect and send 20 barrels of food, clothing, personal protective equipment, and many other needed items to support Vincentian families who were displaced.

“This year, we want to continue to demonstrate our commitment to St. Vincent and the Grendadines by ensuring that teachers and students are prepared for a successful school year, ” says educator and co-founder of DMV- SVG Mutual Aid Relief, Dr Remidene Aboko-Cole Diakité.

Diamond Elam who is also and educator and co-founder of the organization adds, “As educators and former Peace Corps Volunteers who spent time with students and teachers in schools in St Vincent, we were so pleased to see that North Leeward and North Windward students and teachers were still pressing forward, despite the challenges they faced as a result of the volcano eruption and COVID-19.

“We are honored to provide these supplies to Fancy and Fitz Hughes schools, and we hope that in some small way these supplies contribute to student achievement.”