Press Release
July 15, 2022

Youlou Arts Foundation is proud to be offering its 2022 visual art programme “Growing Young SVG Artist

YOULOU ARTS Foundation is very proud and happy to be offering the 2022 visual arts programme “Growing Young SVG Artists. “

This year the programme will be held from Monday, August 8 through Friday, August 19.

The “GrowingYoung SVG Artists” programme is held each week day from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 noon. It is geared for children between the ages of 5 to 12.

Youlou Arts has been organizing the annual visual arts programme to the children of St Vincent and the Grenadines for over 20 years.

This year’s programme will be held at theYoulou Art Centre, Indian Bay.

The Title this year is “It’s Up To Me” .The focus will be on Climate Change and learning about our national hero – the Right Excellent Joseph Chatoyer.

Art activities are designed to teach children to be creative, to sharpen their capacity to observe and use their imagination.

Art activities include sculpture, bookmaking, drawing and painting.

The children will also have the opportunity to learn poems which focus on the planet earth.

Parents who are interested in sending their children to the programme should contact theYoulou Art Centre (457 4493) and the Theo Saunders Shop (457 1914) Registration forms are available at these two locations.

Youlou Arts Foundation is a non-profit arts organization which promotes and nurtures the arts in St Vincent and the Grenadines.