Press Release
March 29, 2022

St Kitts/Nevis PM to consider wage increase for civil servants

CIVIL SERVANTS across the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis received good news on Saturday, March 26 as prime minister,Timothy Harris announced plans for a possible increase in wages and salaries during the People’s Labour Party (PLP) Convention.

“I have asked the Financial Secretary to consider what it will cost to give civil servants an increase in wages and salaries. I love you all but when the money comes please spend it well. Money will help but still discipline yourself, do not start to plan to spend yet, remember I did not say how much it will be and remember I did not say when, but out of the love in my heart and that of my Cabinet I know money is coming for you,” said Prime Minister Harris.

According to the St Kitts and Nevis Information Services, Harris further indicated that he will devote the next three years of his term in office to making St Kitts and Nevis the number one country not just in the OECS and CARICOM but in the World. And he outlined some plans to alleviate the cost of living for the general population.

“My government is actively formulating policies to contain the spiralling cost of living as a result of matters outside our borders and beyond our control. The Ministry of Finance has been mandated to put forward recommendations for consideration. These will include measures to reduce gas prices at the pumps and reduce certain taxes to make the cost of living more manageable for you,” he said. “We will extend the income support and we will consider an increase in wages and salaries. In the near future, more details will be announced. We continue to work for you the people and we will deliver for you,” said prime minister Harris.

The PLP along with The People’s Action Movement (PAM) and The Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM) make up the Team Unity government in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.