NEMO conducts  virtual Tabletop  National Level Exercise
Michelle Forbes, director of NEMO
Press Release
March 11, 2022

NEMO conducts virtual Tabletop National Level Exercise

The National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) in collaboration with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency Coordinating Unit (CDEMA CU), conducted a virtual National Level Tabletop Exercise (NLE) to test its operational capabilities and to evaluate the national plans and policies that are in place to achieve the national level of preparedness required to prepare for and respond to catastrophic events. More than 100 persons participated in this exercise which took place on Thursday, March 3, 2022.

A release from NEMO said the purpose of the exercise was to build preparedness for threats and hazards by providing a low-risk, cost-effective environment to test and validate plans, policies, procedures, and capabilities. Also to identify resource requirements, capability gaps, capacity, strengths, areas for improvement and potential best practices.

The objectives of the exercie were: to review and update the National Emergency Management plan and annexes where applicable; to evaluate the validity of the National Emergency Management Plan and identify gaps and challenges in the different aspects of the plan; and to identify areas for strengthening the different aspects of the National Emergency Management Plan and familiarize stakeholders with their roles and responsibilities as outlined in the plan.

According to Director of NEMO, Michelle Forbes this exercise presented an opportunity for government agencies, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and community groups to test operational capabilities and to evaluate their plans and policies. Forbes stated that stakeholders were also given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with their roles and responsibilities as outlined in the National Emergency Management Plan.