FLOW to select six new winners in its Live Easy Campaign today
Ansella Williams-Haywood
Press Release
February 25, 2022

FLOW to select six new winners in its Live Easy Campaign today

Lucky Flow customers have benefitted from the company’s Live Easy campaign which was launched in January to help bring some relief from bills traditionally experienced at the start of a new year.

Cornel Campbell

The telecommunications provider said in a release that it continues to reward new and existing customers weekly with thousands of dollars in cash and prizes including multiple cash prizes ranging from $500 to $1,000, grocery vouchers valued at $500, Samsung devices and free Flow services.

Customers who switch their mobile services to Flow, in most cases for as low as $0 down, coupled with discounts on their monthly plans, automatically qualify to win in the weekly draws, the company release stated.

Recent winners, Cornel Campbell and Raynelle Charles each pocketed $1,000 for signing up for bundled mobile and fixed services.

Beyonce Dabreo and Zareon May who switched to Flow and upgraded postpaid bundle services both won $500.

Existing postpaid account, and fixed services customers are also eligible to win when bill payments are completed on-time and in-full. Chris John was another lucky postpaid customer selected to win $500 when he settled his balance last week.

Ansella Williams-Haywood and Akeia Lewis both won Samsung Galaxy Tab A7’s respectively for signing up to postpaid and making the switch to Flow.

Jasmine Browne

New postpaid, prepaid, or bundled sign-ups also qualified to enter the draws. Bill payments and prepaid mobile recharges afford customers an opportunity to enter the draw and win.

To date, over $20,000 in cash and prizes has been rewarded to 30 lucky randomly selected Flow customers, with another round of six winners to be selected this Friday.