Red Cross, partners install hand sanitisers in schools
Left to right:  Local UNICEF Rep Nicolle Trudeau; Headmaster of the St. Vincent  Grammar School, Colin Sam; HFLE Teacher at the Grammar School, Jairon Hector; and IFRC Delegate and Operations Manager, Dante Moses along with some students.
Press Release
February 11, 2022

Red Cross, partners install hand sanitisers in schools

Some 300 hand sanitisers and dispensers are being installed at schools across the country by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Red Cross Society (SVGRC, in partnership with two international agencies.

The initiative is being implemented to support the ongoing National Volcano Recovery effort and help with the fight to control the spread of COVID-19, a release from the Red Cross said.

The organisation is collaborating with two major donors, USAID and UNICEF to distribute the hand sanitisers and dispensers which are being placed in a number of communities nation-wide. The St Vincent Grammar School was the first school to receive its donation on Friday, January 21.

The distribution is part of an Awareness Campaign initiated by the Red Cross, which is focusing on “Proper Mask Wearing” and “Proper Handwashing”.

The SVGRC is working closely with the Ministry of Education and BRAGSA (the Roads, Buildings and General Services Authority), to install the sanitisers and dispensers.

Last week dispensers were installed at the School for Children with Special Needs, the Kingstown Anglican School and the Girls High School and this work is slated to continue in the weeks ahead.