Press Release
November 26, 2021

Inter-School and College Christian Fellowship celebrates silver anniversary

What began in 1961 in St Vincent and the Grenadines(SVG), as a Bible study club at the Girls High School (GHS) has grown into a quiet, but impactful student- ministry, spanning the length and breadth of SVG.

The Inter-School and College Christian Fellowship(ISCCF) was formed consequent to the visit of Englishman, Richard Bell of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), a release from ISCCF states.

During its embryonic stage, Mistresses Elsa Velox and Ynolde Mulraine-Adams along with Leslie Alexander-Hull and Judy Cadougan, then teachers at the GHS, ably and sacrificially provided holistic nurturing to the pioneering group of students. The uncontained enthusiasm of this group quickly resulted in a merger with a Bible study group which had begun in April 1953 with four female students under the guidance of Grace Eustace at the Emmanuel High School, Kingstown (EHSK). This eclectic merger which, in the twinkling of an eye included a growing number of male students from the EHSK, was given the name Inter-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF). Over the years, the ISCF in SVG has impacted and transformed the lives of many prominent Vincentians such as the St Clair ‘Jimmy’ Prince, Minister of Health, Dr Lennox Adams and Pastor Sylvester King, Deputy Supervisor of Elections, among other renowned graduates here and in the diaspora.

Like many organizations, this non-profit Christian organization, funded by a handful of generous, local individuals and churches and governed by a local Board comprising seven Directors has evolved. From 2005, the ministry was rebranded as the Inter-School & College Christian Fellowship (ISCCF) to incorporate all divisions of the SVG Community College as well as medical schools that wish to partner with the ministry. ISCCF, found in 17 of the 26 secondary schools in SVG, all divisions of the SVGCC and four medical schools, is primarily a student-led ministry overseen by sponsors (teachers at respective schools), who meet for at least 30 or so minutes (mostly during lunch) once or twice weekly, to engage in activities geared essentially towards the spiritual development of students and teachers.

Sixty years later, an achievement of formidable tenacity in student- ministry, stakeholders of ISCCF SVG are beaming with joy as the organization celebrates its diamond jubilee under the theme: “Three Scores and Achieving More” as they give glory “…unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly… throughout all ages…” (Ephesians 3: 20-21).

A calendar of activities which includes a church service via the Zoom platofrm on December 4, 2021 at 2:00 p.m will be hosted to commemorate this jubilant occasion. All are invited to attend by using the meeting I.D: 841 3991 6255, and passcode: 6WB3tq to log in. It will also be streamed on the ISCCF Facebook page.