Press Release
November 9, 2021

T&T entity to host youth business summit

YOUTH BUSINESS Trinidad and Tobago in collaboration with Carli Communications, JBannister Branding and Monivan Digital Marketing Solutions, will host its first “Youth Business in Digital” Summit from Wednesday 10th November to Friday 12th November, 2021.

According to a release, the summit, themed “Launching & Scaling Your Service Business from the Caribbean” is a virtual event focused specifically on teaching Caribbean based service providers how to launch and scale their online businesses so they can sell their services and digital products globally.

To register for the Summit, entrepreneurs are invited to visit www.yourbusinessindigitalsummit. com. Entrepreneurs who are in business 0-5 years, who sell services, reside in the Caribbean and want to expand their business regionally and internationally, will benefit from the opportunity of a lifetime to learn from the knowledge, experience, and strategies of over 15 industry experts in the upcoming conference.

Among the cast slated for the three-day event are keynote speakers, Kenrife Matthias, Digital Marketer and Social Strategist in St.

Vincent and the Grenadines; Carla Williams-Johnson, Media Marketing Specialist in Trinidad and Tobago; Personal Branding Strategist, Jamila Bannister of JBannister Branding, Trinidad & Tobago; and Tamara Mon Louis, Founder and Executive Director of Digital Strategy in Florida, USA.

Global Entrepreneurship Week continues to foster initiatives between entrepreneurs, investors, researchers and policymakers, to fuel a healthier start and scale ecosystem that can create more jobs, educate individuals and strengthen economic growth.

For more information visit the Your Business in Digital website at www. yourbusinessindigitalsummit. com or send an email to carla