Authorities invite comments on draft National Physical Development Plan
Press Release
November 9, 2021

Authorities invite comments on draft National Physical Development Plan

PLANNING AUTHORITIES are inviting Vincentians to share their views on a draft National Physical Development Plan to guide the more integrated, resilient and sustainable development of St Vincent and the Grenadines at a consultation later week.

A notice from the Physical Planning Unit said the draft National Physical Development Plan is intended to guide the physical form of recovery and development over the next 20 years. Before proceeding further with the document, stakeholders and communities will have an opportunity to hear about and share their views and comments on the proposed plan which is being spearheaded by the Physical Planning and Development Board through the Physical Planning Unit (PPU) at an online consultation on Thursday November 11 at 6.30 p.m.

The consultation is free and persons who are interested in making an input are asked to register at the link below: https://www.eventbrite. physical-development- plan-for-svg-community- consultation-tickets- 202494254767 In addition to attending this meeting, individuals and organisations are invited to make their voices heard on the draft National Physical Development Plan by visiting the Government’s website: vc/transport/ to download the draft document and share feedback.