Press Release
November 2, 2021

Macmillan Education-Caribbean introduces Social Studies text for OECS Primary Schools

MACMILLAN EDUCATION Caribbean has released a new text “Footprints” geared specifically for primary school students in the Eastern Caribbean States.

In a release, Macmillan said the text amplifies the already extensive portfolio of its Education-Caribbean materials already in use across the islands.

“Footprints” is a compilation of four Social Studies textbooks and according to Dr. Cheryl Bernabe Bishop, the title isn’t only relevant to the Caribbean, but it paints a distinctive picture of the richness of Caribbean heritage and culture.

Dr. Bishop, a Grenadian educator for over two decades, will be discussing in detail today how “Footprints” will add to the foundational learning of Caribbean youth, via a webinar presentation to regional teachers, other education officials and parents.

She said, “Footprints the term itself is meaningful and really gives an endurable mark on the child’s mind. It’s truly a signature of our ancestors – from the early arrivals to the coming of the Europeans.”

“Based on that relevancy, I can see students excelling on the four pillars of 21st century education according to UNESCO, which are Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking.”

Bishop will also discuss how the text has been framed to support the learning of key skills such as critical thinking, evaluation, discussion, and investigations, while encouraging collaboration and creativity.

The webinar is open to all teachers across the Caribbean and runs twice on November 2. The first discussion will take place at 7:00 a.m, with participants registering through the following online portal: https:// macmillanic.clickmeeting. com/primary-social-studies- for-the-caribbean- footprints-time-slot-1/ register.

The repeat session starts at 3:00p.m, with participants registering for this session using this online portal: https:// macmillanic.clickmeeting. com/primary-social-studies- for-the-caribbean- footprints-time-slot-2/ register.