New ECCB deputy governor excited about regional transformation
Deputy Governor Of The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (Eccb), Dr Valda Henry
Press Release
October 29, 2021

New ECCB deputy governor excited about regional transformation

The newly appointed Deputy Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), Dr Valda Henry, said she is excited about the prospects of transforming the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) as she embraces her new role.

Dr Henry assumed duties as Deputy Governor of the ECCB on 20th September, a release from the ECCB states. Reflecting on her first month in office, Dr Henry said that she is particularly passionate about one of her specific assignments, that of transforming management and culture across the Bank.

Admitting that transformation is a big task she said it must begin with changing the culture across the Bank so that while the staff works to meet the core mandate of financial stability they must recognise the humanness to get the transformation desired across the region.

She added that the people of the region are looking at the ECCB and its response during this time and while transformation is a big task they must also see it as exciting.

In addition to the ECCB’s, S.T.A.R Mantra of Service Excellence, Teamwork and Truth Telling, Accountability and Results, Dr Henry noted the importance of the declaration which Governor Antoine shared with staff upon his re-appointment in February. He encouraged staff to “be competent yet caring, prudent but proactive and industrious and imaginative.”

Dr. Henry said while staff members focus on their professionalism, these COVID times call for them to stop and be compassionate as people are in a lot of pain financially, emotionally, psychologically and mentally. “For some people, that pain overshadows any opportunity and it is our job to understand, to recognise and meet people where they are and to come up with solutions for our region,” she said.