Local Insurance Association sees great start to assessor training
Press Release
October 22, 2021

Local Insurance Association sees great start to assessor training

SERVICE STANDARDS for insurance claims in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) took a giant step forward recently when a large number of auto repairers, recovery experts, engineers, quantity surveyors, valuers and contractors volunteered for the veryfirst Insurance Assessors training arranged by the Insurance Association of SVG.

A release from the association said the training which spanned a period of three weeks, September 14-29, covered a range of topics and engaged three main presenters.

Ruth Lake, a highly-experienced tutor from St Lucia dealt with ‘Basic Principles of Insurance’ where participants learned about Insurable Interest, Utmost Good Faith, Indemnity, Subrogation, and Proximate Cause in regard to insurance claims.

They also learned about Contract Law and Agency Law,( whether the Assessor is representing either the customer or the Insurance Company), and the local Motor Insurance Act.

Motor Crash Investigations was handled by Eric Kipps who graphically showed how to investigate crashes, (“accidents” are usually caused !!). Participants were fascinated to learn about Safe Recovery Skills and Evidence capture, Damage assessments, Fraud in many forms, Vehicle parts, Police reports, Dashcams and CCTV evidence, and SVG’s road traffic Act.

They were said to be captivated by many case studies presented from crashes where the investigated reality was very different from the initial perception.

Professional Insurance Adjuster, Brent Phillip, from Grenada, was keen to share his knowledge and experience with participants as he presented on ‘Property Insurance adjusters’.

“Natural Disasters” were a major focus of interest, as the experienced Adjuster explained how to handle hurricane damage claims, before progressing to earthquake and volcanic eruption damage, which was very topical because of April 9, 2021.

The Association said in its release that many of SVG’s recent volcano claims were for damage caused during cleanup which came as a surprise to the trainee assessors. They learned wise safe methods of removing ash, as well as how to identify spalling, wear and tear, and other pre-existing damage.

Importantly, they learned how to estimate claims costs so that insurance companies can hold accurate reserves and make sure the money is there to pay the claims.

The Association pointed out that assessors will need to know the policy coverage which can differ between insurance companies.

Floods, burst water pipes, burglary and fire claims were all explained clearly, as well as the skills needed for accurate report writing, were also covered in this session.

The final ‘Claims Management’ presentation done by Jamaican claims manager Tammara Glaves-Hucey, held everybody’s attention as she used a light-touch to clearly explain the skills which assessors need to demonstrate daily. These include communication, listening, observation, and insurance legislation.

She highlighted “Customer’s Expectations” to the prospective assessors, and the importance of prompt, helpful service at a time when customers really need it. Her emphasis on ethics provoked much interest and many questions from participants.

The Association said it was excited to have been able to provide this initial training for Insurance Assessors which demonstrates the commitment of the local Insurance Association to improving Insurance Quality in SVG.