Police investigating theft of items from church at Chester Cottage
Press Release
October 12, 2021

Police investigating theft of items from church at Chester Cottage

THE POLICE are investigating a report of burglary made by a 49-year-old pastor of Chester Cottage against some unknown person or persons.

The police said in a release that the alleged perpetrator entered the Georgetown Evangelical Church as a trespasser between October 7, 2021 and October 10, 2021and stole one transformer valued at $EC 600, and one Epson wall projector valued at $EC 3,500 for a overall value of EC$4,100, the property of the Georgetown Evangelical Church.

Persons with information that can assist with these investigations are asked to contact the Deputy Commissioner at 1-784-451-2467; the Officer in charge of the Criminal Investigations Department at 1-784-456-1810; or any Police Station/ Police Officer you are comfortable with. All information will be treated confidentially.